What is the difference between POP3, IMAP or Exchange?

I’m trying to set up a Gmail account on my dads new Samsung Galaxy and it’s asking me to choose between POP3, IMAP or Exchange. What are these and which one am I supposed to use?? I am horribly confused!


These are different mail protocols.
Ignore Exchange, that’s for MS Exchange servers, usually used on business accounts for large companies.
Between POP3 and IMAP, it’s personal preference. POP3 will download a copy of the message to your phone and then “lets it free”; you can do what you want to the phone copy and other than deleting it, it wont’ affect the original.
IMAP interacts with the original copy on GMail’s servers.
For example, if you move a POP3 message to a “Old Mail” folder, it’ll only move the message on your phone. If you do it on an IMAP connection, it will move it to the same folder/label on GMail itself.

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